Welcome to the Performance Leader Identifier (PLI) Accreditation

This course will teach you everything you need to know about the PLI, including how to apply it successfully in selection or development.

You will be presented with 5 presentation videos, and a multiple choice assessment at the end of videos 2, 3 & 4. 

Through these, you will learn:

  • key benefits of applying the PLI in selection or development
  • how it was developed
  • how to apply it.

Your effectiveness in applying the PLI will help your organisation, or the organisation you work with, benefit from leaders who truly maximise performance - in a sustainable way.

This workshop will take approximately 2 hours, and you can leave and come back at any time. 

If you have any questions at the end of the workshop that you feel have been unanswered, please contact us for clarification or further information.

A useful tip from previous course participants is to make a note of your responses as you go through the multiple choice questionnaires, just in case you get an answer wrong and need to redo it.

So, if you're ready to begin, please make sure you have sound enabled on your computer or device, and let's get started!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    1: Introduction and course overview

    • Introduction and course overview

  • 2

    2: Understanding leadership theory - why organisations need a new approach

    • 2: Understanding leadership theory - why organisations need a new approach

    • PLI Accreditation Part 2 Assessment

  • 3

    3: How and why the Performance Leader Identifier was developed

    • 3: How and why the Performance Leader Identifier was developed

    • PLI Accreditation Part 3 Assessment

  • 4

    4: Practical application of the Performance Leader Identifier

    • 4: Practical application of the Performance Leader Identifier

    • PLI Accreditation Part 4 Assessment

  • 5

    5: Final tips

    • 5: Final tips